“We need tea-bags, some bread and milk. Will you get that?”

This is the distance from my flat to my parent's house.

So, very is the answer. I can safely say, even without giving you a map from my couch to my kitchen, that I have become very lazy.
The problem is that each day has now become a countdown to starting work at 17:00. My reasoning is that is I do things and have an active day then surely, relatively speaking, my countdown will be sped up. I've become like Jack Bauer - on holiday from CTU and living the most boring season of 24 you'd ever see – but still a slave to the clock. Each hour is a new yet familiar cliffhanger: 14:00 – Dammit! I'm out of milk! 15:00 – Dammit! This pasta meal went off yesterday! 16:00 – Dammit! Where's all my socks! (All said with the characteristic Bauer whisper-shout of course.)
Today is Saturday and as such I will quite happily tidy and clean the house from top to bottom. Well "happily" might be too strong a word in this case, but the point is: I'll do it. I'll not be lazy, because today I have no 0 hour baring down on me.
So what's the solution to my laziness? How do I live each day like it's Saturday and find the will to get off my arse? The answer's simple really: I'll give up work! No... Unfortunately I can't really do that. So the real answer to my problem? Get over it. Embrace the countdown. Realise that this is the only life I've got so I'd better start living it. Bugger.
I realise, of course, that going to the shops and visiting my parents house is not exactly living my life to the full, but that's a problem for another day.
'Till then.