I don't know if it's nature or nurture which defines a persons personality but I do know that when the nurse prodded Michelle's belly to get the baby to move (to measure the head) my kid was having none of it. Each poke at it's home brought on a flurry of furrious little kicks and punches. "It's being stubourn, a wee fighter" the nurse said. Takes after me already.
With the best will it the world you probably don't really care about all this and that's fine. It's like seeing an excellent film that only you and your partner can appreciate. Not much happens in the film but every second is the most fascinating thing you have ever seen. The best bit? A little black spot on the screen which expands and retracts. The visible heart of your child - truely amazing.
I can't stop staring at our scan picture. It's not something I expected I would do but it is hypnotic to me. I can't really explain what I see or feel when I look at it (I have just written and deleted several attemps to do just that). It's just... amazing, fantastic or astonishing all seem to fall short of what I'm trying to say.
Our next scan is on the 19th of March and I can't wait.
'Till then.