Did I ever mention that I hate my job? Thought I might have. Given that I do dislike my employment and that you are aware of this fact would it surprise you to learn that I have just (look at time of post) finished the work which I brought home from the office? I thought it might.
I’m not surprised though. I do not like the job but I have to admit that they give me a more than adequate wage. Given this ‘extra’ cash I feel that if I am given a little extra work then I don’t really mind doing a few hours at home (and not taking lunches – but we won’t go into that), though I do wish that I had started to do it earlier.
I started the work around midnight, but the reason for this was that David came round and I wanted to watch stuff on TV – I don’t really mind doing the work at home but I don’t think that work should invade my ‘personal time’. Who needs sleep anyway? I’ll get enough of that in the pine box!
Who needs sleep anyway? I’ll let you know in a few hours…
PS – In other news, with Stuart having decided to return to Tukido I’ve decided to christen him ‘Street Fighter Stoo’ (get it?). I, of course, find his new moniker hilarious and hope that it will catch on as soon as possible.
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