Having sported facial fuzz for the most part of the past few years in order to lessen the impact of my chubby boyish cheeks I’ve decided to be facial hairless (at least 90%) for the foreseeable future.
Hopefully, if I stick to my plan to lose weight before the wedding, we’ll see my aforementioned cheeks reduce in size to resemble something in-between my now moon face and the gaunt and gawky looking mug I see in pictures of me as a teenager.
Fudge has been kind of bored for a while now, she just mopes around all day, occasionally knocking things off of any reachable surface (CD’s, remote controls, pens, etc) then she just slumps off to the bedroom to sleep. I’ve spoke to other cat owners about this and they say that a depressed cat is a lonely cat.
We’ve only just started checking the ads for the new baby kitten and I plan to give the Bothwell Bridge Animal Welfare Centre a call during the week (they are open Wednesday – Sunday).
Hopefully it shouldn’t be too long before I have a second cat clawing at my feet at four o’clock in the morning…
I’ll put my hand up; college was a complete failure. I was away too long, I didn’t have the discipline that I needed to have and I missed my free time too much.
Thankfully I was able to upgrade my 25 hour temporary contract at Centre One to a full time-permanent position at the Plaza Tower call centre. Everyone I know who works there pretty much hates it and it has a terrible reputation for high turnover, however, knowing this I’m sure not to be disappointed in the job and if it turns out to be even slightly better than I expect then it’s a bonus.
After eighteen months to two years service at any civil service position you then can transfer anywhere you like. I plan to go back to Centre One, where work is the kind of holiday camp that only Her Majesty’s Government could provide, until I retire in peace with my full pension at 49 with 25 years service under my belt. I can dream can’t I?
Here comes a flitin’! Michelle and I hope to be moving from our wee one bedroom flat into a sightly bigger wee one bedroom flat in the very near future.
After the sad passing of my aunt, Jean, in November her son Henry has offered to sell her flat to Michelle and I for a very reasonable price (yet to be confirmed).
The proposed flat is more spacious in every aspect compared to our current home, but the real bonus for me is the extra storage space, something the current place is severely lacking. We’ve now had both flats valued now and are awaiting Henry to decide on a price. Meanwhile we’ve bought all the supply’s we need and have began freshening up our place to make look all shiny for those prospective buyers. If all goes well this flat should be on the market within two weeks.
This one is obviously the atom bomb compared to the rest of my lists fireworks. The life changer. You tell yourself that not much will change but it’s a lie. Marriage is the first step of the rest of your life, in fact, to a new life, a new you. You can walk up that alter a boy but you’d better be a man when you come back down. You have to take care of her now; it’s not about ‘you’ anymore it’s about ‘us’.
I Can’t wait.
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