Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Geekter-Scale

Michelle has come up with a geek rating system which she calls The Geekter-Scale.

There are five categories:-

Sci-Fi (Star Wars/Trek, Stargate Buffy Angel etc)
Comic Books
Video Games
Movies (knowledge and ownership of)
Computers (knowledge of workings)

Each category has 3 points with and extra half bonus point for going “the extra mile”. The extra mile would constitute, for example, ownership of Star Wars novels/toys, Superhero action figures, the ability to build a computer or just general over excitement about a topic related to a relevant category.

My Scoring is as follows: -

Sci-Fi - 1.5
Comic Books - 3.5
Video Games - 1
Movies - 3.5
Computers - 1
TOTAL - 10.5

Try it out

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