Thursday, August 23, 2007

Daze Like These

I left work for the day on Tuesday and walked to the gym. I walked up the stairs to the changing room, got in the cubicle, and proceeded to get changed. After hanging my jacket on the door I took off my boots socks, jeans shirt and t-shirt and folded them on the bench. I then put other socks, my gym trainers, joggies and a fresh tee. I put the clothes I had been wearing into the large part of my bag and put my rings and watch into the front pouch. I also take the machine key from the pouch and put it into my pocket. I then, fully changed, open the cubicle and prepare to step out. Only at this point do I realise. I don’t have a pound coin for the locker!

A quick check of my wallet shows I have nothing to make change with and mere moments after closing that cubicle door I back in there and reversing the whole process you just read.


The cats were crying for food as usual on Wednesday whenI got up . As I do every morning I walked straight to the kitchen I get two sachets of food out the cupboard and I wash their bowls. I open one sachet, drop the food in the bowl and put the empty sachet in the bin. I open the next sachet, drop the food in the bin and put the empty sachet on the bowl.


I’m sitting in work on Thursday and at 2 o’clock a woman in my team comes in and sits at her desk. I assume correctly that she is starting at 2pm because she works part time and is on a late shift. I found this odd because the day before I had asked if she could do my Friday late shift and I’m wondering why she would agree towork late two nights in a row. I get up to ask her, but she’s gone to get a drink, so I ask the guy who sits next to her if she is in fact working late. The guy says that I should know; she’s covering my shift.

Turns out that I may have said on Wednesday,
“Can you do my late shift tomorrow?” Tomorrow.
Now when I say “may have said” I obviously mean, well, just “said”. In doing so, by somehow managing to mix up the days of the week, I had left myself with no Friday cover (which I needed) and I had caused my kind colleague to work late on a day when no more late cover was needed. Not to mention the small matter that she was, in fact, six hours late for work.

It was all sorted, all good, but still…


I Watched: - Damages, The Lookout and Entourage.
I Read: - Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets by David Simon.
I listened to: - Myself saying “Damn it!” a lot.

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