Thursday, January 03, 2008

2007 Questionnaire

1) Was 2007 a good year for you?
I’d have to say no. Money stresses following the wedding begat health worries which in turn begat work concerns (although my manager has been very helpful, supportive and understanding having gone though similar problems.) Michelle and I had a disappointing first year of marriage concluding with an awful first anniversary. However hard it has been we can both agree that we are still glad to have taken that trip down the aisle – We’ve had each other if little else.

2) What was your favourite moment of the year?
Holding my niece, Lucy, for the first time was a highlight. Krakow for Nigel's stag was amazing.

3) What was your least favourite moment of the year?
Jimmy died.

4) Where were you when 2007 began?
Michelle and I were in the flat as I was unwell with the flu.

5) Who were you with?
I was with Michelle, Fudge and Frankie – My wee family.

6) Where were you be when 2007 ended?
I was at Jim and Maxine’s for the bells with Michelle, Sparkie, Michelle, Nigel, Iona, Shaw and Lindsey. After midnight we were picked up by Laura and Stoo for a night at the Kelly.

7) Who were you with when 2007 ended?
I just said.

8) Did you keep your new years resolution of 2007?
As I do every year; lets recap: -

Do the Dishes Every Day
RESULT: Fail – Not even close. They still pile up until I have no option but to eventually do them.

Lift Weights on a Semi Regular Basis
RESULT: Fail – I did join a gym but even I am not cheeky enough to suggest every three months is “semi regular”.

Join a Creative Writing Workshop
RESULT: Fail – I did try to do this in September but missed enrolment by a week. I’m calling tomorrow to enrol for 11th January.

Make a Baby
RESULT: Fail – this was a joke in which I said I’d make a baby out of paper mache and try to convince Michelle she gave birth to it. After much thought I decided this would be cruel. There is still no desire for the pitter-patter at this stage for me.

9) Do you have a new year’s resolution for 2007?
I do and will, in a short time, inform you of them for your amusment.

10) Did you make any new friends in 2006?
Work acquaintances really – I have enough friends I think.

11) Who are your favourite new friends?
Kenny and Wee Alasdair and big Colin are who I chat with most often in work.

12) What was your favourite month of 2007?
February – Lucy was born.

13) Did you travel outside of the UK in 2007?
I barley travelled out of East Kilbride.

14) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2007?
Jimmy died, he being my grandfather.

15) What do you wish you'd done more of?
Living and smiling.

16) What do you wish you'd done less of?

17) What dates from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
5th January – Eli was born.
14th February – Lucy was born.
12th December – Jimmy died.

18) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 26 and I went to Kirsty and Gary’s for dinner and drinks.

19) What song will always remind you of 2007?
Anything by Mika; shit songs for a shit year.

20) What was your favourite TV program?
My favourites of the year would have to be Lost’s third season, Brotherhood’s second season, the hilarious It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and a new show called Pushing Daisies.

21) Favourite film of this year?
The Bourne Ultimatum was amazing, as was the blood soaked 300. Hot Fuzz was very funny but did not split my sides as much as Superbad. John McClane proved that old heroes still kick ass in Live Free or Die Hard. Lastly (I’m not really sure these count because their not yet out in the UK) but The Coen Brother’s No Country for Old Men is an excellent return to form and Charlie Wilson’s War is a fantastically scripted true story of one man raising the funds for Americas first covert war. There are others, but these are the ones which stand out for me at the moment.

(links to be added later)

1 comment:

Laura said...

CRAIG! You never posted your resolutions. i am bored and want something to read. do it!!!