Something was given to me yesterday, something which I feared I may have lost. I dare not say that which gave it to me for fear that to name the thing might ensure it's loss. I have, for the first time in a long time, just a little, perhaps just a fraction, nothing less than a glimmer of hope.
I've known hope before, or at least, I have been fooled by lies which have disguised themselves as such. These, ultimately, false hopes should always have been perceived as such; they presented themselves as quick fixes and easy outs. But this, this is different. This would require hard work, sacrifice and tough choices. Surely this is the kind of hope which is deserved?
I am ahead of myself. I have to remind myself that what I have is a peek at a possibility and try not to imagine what's behind the curtain. In truth I'm not even close, the curtain hasn't even been bought yet, even that, (my metaphorical curtain) is nothing more than a dream at the moment. Less of a dream though and more of a possibility, and what is possible can be obtained.
For today though just the glimmer is enough, it's casting some light onto the future.
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