Monday, May 15, 2006

Waiting on the Wing

I’m waiting for The West Wing to download. whilst waiting here by my computer on my hard wooden dining chair, barely softened by the once effective red Ikea cushion which is attached to it, I realised that I’d not posted for a while.

I don’t usually sit here and wait of course; it’s the last episode I’m waiting for, the very last episode of my favourite TV show for the last seven years. I won’t go on about it.

So no posts, what can I say, there’s been stuff happening and I even have news. But the stuffs not been big enough (like that usually makes a difference) or I’m just not able to tell a story about it. And the news is something I’m not ready to talk about yet. Nothing bad and Michelle’s not pregnant or anything I just need to know a little more before I post.

Wondering what the happening stuff is that I can’t spin out to a story? No? Well I’ll tell you anyway. Helped David move into his flat, Michelle head butted a wardrobe while drunk in David’s flat, I went to Largs on Saturday with Laura and Stuart and, most importantly, I actually beat Stuart at Halo (sorry mate had to be said).

So my download is done now and I’m off to watch and maybe shed a tear for the end of the Bartlett administration. Next time I’ll talk about something I swore I wouldn’t ever discuss again in this Blog: Work. Don’t worry though there’s a twist in the tale.

‘Till then.

1 comment:

CSAmbrose said...

Just so you know; no tears. I mearly welled up a little.