Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Little Gift

I just received this little gift from my wife. Every morning, after having to drag me out of bed, she tends to our son, feeds our cats, and makes me a coffee before going of to work for 9 hours.

I was ill last night, loaded with the cold, so when I woke up this morning I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. My wife asked me many times how I was feeling and bought me medicine, something which I perceived as her telling me that I had to be okay, that I had to be all better because there was nobody else that could look after our son. I snapped and said that if were her that was sick then she could take a day off and why shouldn't I get to have a sick day. She told me that what I had was a cold and just to get on with it. I did not take that very well and said some nasty things. Things I did not and do not mean.

It's afternoon now and I more or less am feeling back to 100%. I would not have needed a day off, and even if I had still been feeling sick, I would have been able to look after our son until it was time for him to go to nursary.

I don't deserve this little gift. I don't deserve my wife. I don't deserve her care, or kindness, or love. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your care. And thank you for occasionally pushing me when I need to be pushed.

Thank you for my gift.

Be Smarter

People on benefits are greedy. People on benefits don’t deserve anything. People on benefits are parasites. This is what I see every day.

Well guess what, 99% of people on benefits don't want to be. People on benefits didn't expect to be put out of a job, didn't expect to fall ill, didn't expect to fail the people they love. People on benefits don't need to hear what you think of them. People on benefits are doing the best they can.

Do people cheat, and lie, and steal? Yes. But I don't. And neither do most of the people like me.

This government wants you to hate people like me so that they can slowly eradicate us. They would rather you blame us than ask questions. They want you to hate us so that they're greed and corruption can continue unchecked.

Don't fall for it. Be better. Be smarter.