Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I was going to write about my new nephew just now but I found out that I accidentally deleted the pictures I intended posting. I’m waiting for Lorraine (my sister) to forward them to me again so in the mean time I’ll talk about something else girly: clothes.

Hat you see to you left is the idea of suit that I’m going to wear to my wedding. Not the waistcoat and tie just the suit.

I always knew I wanted a long coat in this style because it suits me so well but I was never sure if they existed. I’m thinking along the lines of those displayed below for the cravat (in the syle seen on the right) and waistcoat.

So what do you think? (click images to enlanrge)


CSAmbrose said...

i think Michelle suggested that combination too. personally I prefer the ivory looking set.

CSAmbrose said...

The bottom left one?

CSAmbrose said...

I was thinking I'd wear the white/ivory tie while my Groomsmen waer a red tie?