Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"Seven chipmonks swinging on a branch on my uncles ranch..."

In the absence of valid and interesting thoughts on my life and time here’s another stupid questionnaire that asks you to do the following 7 things: -

  1. Seven things to do before I die.
  2. Seven things I cannot do.
  3. Seven things that attract me to... (insert anything you like).
  4. Seven things I say most often.
  5. Seven books (or series) that I love.
  6. Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would if I had time).
  7. Seven things I couldn’t live without.

Seven things to do before I die:

  1. Visit New York City.
  2. Visit the White House.
  3. Write a book or story intended for publication.
  4. See a page drawn from one of my scripts.
  5. Contribute to society.
  6. Enjoy work (A.K.A. live the dream).
  7. Learn to drive… I suppose.

Seven things I cannot do:

  1. Go to bed at an appropriate hour (note the time of this post).
  2. Wolf whistle.
  3. Use phones with camera and the internet.
  4. Touch type
  5. The splits.
  6. Develop code breaking mathematical algorisms (I tried…).
  7. Play poker well.

Seven things that attract me to... Comic Books:

  1. Consistent and fully realised characters.
  2. The concept of heroism in all forms.
  3. Constantly improving stories.
  4. Seeing the capabilities of a person’s imagination without the constraints of budget of SFX.
  5. Ever improving and more creative and/or realistic artwork.
  6. Cliff-hangers.
  7. My childlike escape into a, now less child friendly, fantasy world.

Seven things I say most often (impressionable ones, cover your eyes):

  1. Fu*k!
  2. Ah Ya Cu*t!
  3. Bastard!
  4. Sh!te.
  5. “Pure” (apparently when used in sentences e.g. “… then he was pure going to…” “Aye and ah was pure like…”).
  6. No. (or one of it’s variations).
  7. At-at-at! (my cat warning word).

Seven books (or series) that I love:

  1. The Jack Ryan/John Clark Series (my favourite being Without Remorse) by Tom Clancy.
  2. Richard Russo Nobody’s Fool.
  3. Richard Russo Straight Man.
  4. The Kenzie and Gennaro series by Dennis Lehane (my favourite being Darkness Take My Hand).
  5. The Harry Bosch series by Michael Connelly (my favourite so far being The Last Coyote).
  6. The Myron Bolitar Mysteries by Harlan Coben.
  7. The Atticus Kodiak series by Greg Rucka. (my favorite so far being Finder or Critical Space.)

Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would if I had time):

  1. The Godfather (Pts I &II)
  2. Raiders of the Lost Ark.
  3. Blade.
  4. Jaws.
  5. Get Shorty.
  6. Out of Sight.
  7. Unbreakable.

Note: this list was written, re-written and written again more times than I care to admit and this was what I had when I gave up. The actual list is waaaaaay longer than 7.

Seven things I couldn’t live without:

  1. Michelle (aww).
  2. Comic Books.
  3. Bit Torrent.
  4. My mobile (I’m ashamed to say).
  5. Frijj Milkshake.
  6. Starbucks.
  7. Bananas.

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