Sunday, December 05, 2010


So, it was Michelle's works Christmas night out tonight meaning that Nathan and I had the night to ourselves. I've looked after Nathan myself now a few times without any problems what so ever.

Just before 6pm Nathan inexplicably, uncontrollably and inconsolably started to sob. And then cry. And then scream. He didn't stop for over an hour.

Nothing calmed him. I cuddled him and he screamed. I gave him his dummy and he screamed. I tried to feed him and he screamed. I rocked him. I danced. I sang. I begged. I cried. I sacrificed a goat! He screamed. He screamed He screamed. He took a big deep breath... And then he screamed.

So what could I do? I knew what would calm him. If you're a mother reading this, you probably know what would calm him too. And so, frantic myself at this point, I reluctantly and regrettably had to make the call and bring Nathan's mummy home from her first night out in eight months.

And so Michelle fed him and consoled and, being a nice person and a good wife and mother, claims not to mind at all being called home. She told me that he was upset just because he's not been himself today (he had a bit of a sore stomach and is teething) and that I did the right thing to call her home. Maybe. All I know is that my little boy was upset and his daddy couldn't do anything to help him.

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