Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The First.

So this is the first of my blogs, an idea given to me by Laura (bigasthesky.co.uk) and Stuart (bumblemonkey.co.uk) both of whom will leave blogs so bloggy they will compleatly out blog me.

I'm sitting in work, a new place but with the same job and bosses I've had before, and I'm waiting for a guy to phone me back about a thing. Until the guy phones me about the thing I've not too much I can do. This is a common predicament as my job pretty much relies on phone calls and forms from guys about things to get in touch or back to me. So I'm pretty bored.

Usually I'd try to work on the comic book scripts I work on (for my amusment not for money) but I've been trying o work out a couple of plot points for quite a while now and I'm fed up trying to work it out. As usually the solution to the problem will come to me between 1am and 3am leading to a largly sleepless night and being a grumpy bastard the next day.

So this blog isn't too intresting and I can only appologise and give the best excuse I know: It's my first day.

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