Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The New Frontier

I don’t know how it happened, maybe we’ve all figured out that our lives aren’t as exciting as we might have wished, but it seems that blogging is just about ready for the long dark sleep – at least amongst those I know to participate.

Last week Michelle, Laura, Stuart and Myself spent a few days in Millport, and although there are some stories to tell I can help but feel that I would rather tell my stories in company and hear the laughs and the comments first hand. Don’t you?

In my case I feel I have also began to use my blog as a sound board for my whines and gripes about my job - I’ve become a bore on the subject to the extent that even I can’t be bothered listening anymore.

To that end I will be no longer be writing about the mundane day to day happenings of the work place or my home life, there will be no more tirades about my unsatisfying work my stories will be kept for ears to listen rather than for the eyes that I suspect no longer read them.

Despite all this I don’t really want to give up my own little corner of the internet. I still love being able to Google myself. From now on my blog will concentrate on the stories I have told hundreds of times before - the ones I know will bring a smile to faces. I’ll also look the little oddities and peculiarities that happen and go unremarked upon in everyday life – In short I’ll look for those things that are worth writing or at least that people might just find at least mildly interesting, amusing or worthy of their time.

I don’t think it will be easy, but as I tell anyone who’ll listen I would love to write for a living and if forced I might even tell you that I think I have a aptitude for it, so here’s my opportunity to prove it.

To mark this change of pace I’ll be giving the site a new look soon, wish my venture luck and I’ll see you in the new frontier.

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