Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Thirty four years ago today the world changed. Did you miss it? No. If fact you’re using it right now. On 1st February 1971 a man named Ted Hoff created the microprocessor AKA the CPU, AKA the chip.

I’m not going to go on about computers or anything (mainly because I know nothing about them) but it occurred to me that you never know when the world will change next. It could have changed already and we’ve yet to realise. This was the case with Mr. Hoff’s invention which we were not aware of until 1973, two years after its creation, and I doubt that that even after that many of us understood the impact the small innovation would have on the world.

Invention and Innovation, in fact creation, throughout history has been the instrument of change, whether it be the micro chip, the dwarf wheat, the steam engine, Superman or the atomic bomb.

My point, and I’m surprised I have one, is this; what have you created? I’ve created systems and processes in my work to make jobs quicker and easier, I’ve created stories and characters and I’ve created pancakes made with banana which taste delicious and if I thought about I’m sure I could come up with a few more things. These things make my life easier, happier, and give me more potassium in my diet. In my wildest dreams one of my creations may even change my life one day. The pancakes are very nice after all. ;o)


Sorry to get all educational and preachy. I think it’s just my nature.

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