Monday, March 21, 2005

Back to Reality

An old English proverb states "All good things must come to an end, I can’t disagree.

Alas my nine day retreat from work has ended and I have returned to that place which substitutes lucid and interesting thoughts with something resembling white noise.

I won’t complain however, I see no point ion ever doing that and I’m tired of my own whining. In truth I can’t complain, during my largely uneventful week off not only did I not send Clair the CV which I had promised to send but I didn’t even visit the job centre or send even one letter away to prospective employers – How can I complain about something I have made no efforts to change?

The week off was okay (a week off’s a week off after all) but like I said, largely uneventful. Aside from a morning in town and a trip to Edinburgh Zoo on Friday Michelle and I did very little, given that this was the case it is fairly surprising to me that we somehow managed to spend roughly £500!

At least I’m off on Friday…

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