Wednesday, March 16, 2005

...Nor A Lender Be.

Is it just me? Am I old fashioned to think that if you give someone a loan of something they should take care of it?

Last week I was going to watch The Recruit, which I bought quite a while ago but have yet to properly watch (I feel asleep first time), but when I opened up the case I was surprised to find it was without a disk. Now this DVD had been returned to me a few weeks ago from Nigel who had had the film since before he moved. In this instance I’m willing to accept that a combination of moving home and the habit of taking the disk that is in the DVD player and putting it into the case of the film you’re about to watch, is bound to cause some misplaced items.

This does not mean I’m fine about the missing disk, by no means, but as I know that you read this I want to make it clear that the birthing that follows is not about you Michael. Instead it’s about Rocky.

Before I moved out of my parents I bought the ‘Rocky Anthology’ box set which has all five movies. I had the box set for two days, watched the first two films and then Dave borrowed it. Dave then gave it to Andy and Sparkie has just this night returned the box set after nearly two years. As if this were not enough to piss me off Rocky IV and V are missing.

What the fuck is that all about? Seriously. I buy something, I spend my money on it and someone who is my friend, I don’t know who (but arguably Dave is ultimately responsible since he was the original borrower) loses it? I never even touched those disks and, given they may have been lying under someone’s bed for two years, it’s probably fair to say that they’re gone for good or completely fucked.

I’m done being everyone’s cheapest video rental shop, if people don’t want to look after my shit they can join fucking Global.

Seriously very fucked off about this.

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