Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I was just looking at my last blog and wondering wether to laugh or cry when this hit me.

I'm getting married.

To hell with my shitty job! Who dosn't have a shitty job? Even Stuart, who is doing what he has always wanted to do, has to get a bus and two trains in the mornings and nights and occasionly get woken up in the middle of the night to fix a server. And that's pretty shitty, no?(I hope he agees)

I love Michelle and she loves me. As long as I come home to her and have the hugs and kisses and "I love you"s and can make her smile and laugh I'll be just fine.

And guess what. Michelle's job's shitty too. In fact it's probobly much shittier that anyone elses (unless you work in sewage) because it causes her pain. Her skin itches and burns and tares because of it, so I can't beleve I could bitch about sitting doing nothing in an office.

So to hell with 2038.

I'm getting married to my girl in 2006, and I'll love my girl until the skys fall and the stars turn cold.

As for the job, I'll just do what I always do. Exactly what I want to do.

1 comment:

CSAmbrose said...

Because my post was nice! Mean? I've never been mean!