Sunday, January 09, 2005

Talkin’ about a Resolution.

This year I’ve thought about it, made up a list and picked out the most important a vowed to keep them. I’m talking about resolutions.

For most of us, and by most I pretty much mean all of us, a resolution is the thing we say we’ll do around about ten past midnight on January 1st and forget about a round about half past. We shouldn’t feel too bad about is though; Resolutions have been being made and broken for roughly 4000 years, since the Babylonians used to resolve to return the farming equipment they had borrowed from their neighbour. My dad’s still got next doors lawn mower and he borrowed it eleven years ago.

However, I feel confident that I can override 4000 years of human nature and I will keep these resolutions.

1. Save for the wedding.

We’ re getting married in September 2006. That’s twenty-one months away, I know, but twenty-one months are not as long as you’d think. I’m already saving £25 a week but it’s not enough! We, and by we I mostly mean I, have to stop buying crap. Also as a sub section of this resolution I want to put down the £400 pound deposit for the hall by March.

2. Lose weight.

It’s a classic I know, but if my belly grows any larger, well, we’re going to need a bigger boat! Now saying ‘lose weight’ is too simple because people need perimeters, so I’m taking the following steps: -

STEP ONE – Dust off those trunks I got in April and go swimming every Thursday after work.

STEP TWO – Do my weights. I used to lift my weights all the time (5 years ago) so I see no reason why I can’t be doing them again. Plus I miss my muscles.

STEP THREE – Steps. I usually do walk back home from work but I could just as easily walk too work (as long as I don’t sleep in).

STEP FOUR – No more late night eating.

3. Work on my scripts.

I always get a great sense of achievement when I finish a script and its really just laziness that I don’t write them.

4. Be more sociable.

I’m the most anti-social person anyone knows. In fact I’m Uncle Social. Chances are, unless you’ve known me for at least five years you’ve not seen me out or heard me speak when I am, so I’ll work on that.

So that’s it. None of the above should take fantastic feats of will power (maybe getting up for work) so if I don’t do them I want you all to slap me silly each time I break one. The journey to better living starts here. Watch this space…

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